2022年9月7日,来自印度哈里亚纳邦古鲁格拉姆的M. A. Murtoza,在三分钟内完成单腿全接触式膝击次数为280次。经世界纪录认证(WRCA)官方审核,M. A. Murtoza成功打破“三分钟内全接触式膝击次数最多(单腿)(男性)”世界纪录。 M. A. Murtoza from Gurugram, Hary...
来自印度古尔达斯布尔的Kuwar Amritbir Singh在一分钟内完成了67个单腿十指俯卧撑。该挑战于2024年12月23日在印度旁遮普邦巴塔拉村的乌玛瓦拉村完成。经世界纪录认证(WRCA)官方审核,该挑战成功打破“一分钟内完成最多单腿十指俯卧撑(男性)”世界纪录。纪录编号:WRC241224N
库瓦尔-阿姆里特比尔-辛格(Kuwar Amritbir Singh),2001 年 11 月 4 日出生,原名阿姆里特比尔-辛格(Amritbir Singh),印度运动员、健身影响者和励志演说家。他的成就包括与健身有关的世界纪录。Kuwar Amritbir Singh 来自印度旁遮普省巴塔拉的乌玛瓦拉村。除了身体上的成就,他还是一名励志演说家,并在社交媒体平台上分享自己的健身历程。他的影响力激励着他人挑战极限,拥抱坚韧。
Kuwar Amritbir Singh from Gurdaspur, India, completed 67 fingertip push-ups with one leg raised in one minute. The attempt was made in the village of Umarwala, Tehsil Batala, State of Punjab, India, on 23rd December 2024. Verified by the WRCA, the attempt was confirmed as the "Most Fingertip Push-ups with One Leg Raised in One Minute (Male)".
Kuwar Amritbir Singh, born as Amritbir Singh on November 4, 2001, is an Indian athlete, fitness influencer, and motivational speaker. His achievements include world records related to fitness. Kuwar Amritbir Singh hails from the village of Umarwala in Batala, Punjab, India. Beyond his physical accomplishments, he serves as a motivational speaker and shares his fitness journey on social media platforms. His influence inspires others to push their limits and embrace resilience.